Thanks again to everyone who came out to compete or support the Return of the Rumble at Aevitas Fitness Guilderland on Saturday! What a fantastic event – one that would not have been possible without ALL of your support!
Throughout the competition, simple scores were displayed in order to keep all teams informed on their standings after each event. We realize that while it’s nice to know your ranking in each workout, it’s also a lot of fun to see just how you stacked up against the other teams in your division. So we are taking the opportunity to publish the FULL results of each workout below – check them out!
UPDATE! The full event photo album from Stay True Photography is live! Check it out RIGHT HERE!
Also check out the event video by Shane right HERE!
Event 1 – Into the Upside Down
For this event, athletes were asked to work as a true team in a ladder-style event featuring rope climbs, deadlifts, box jumps, handstand push-ups, and a TON of synchronization! Teams who were able to walk through the details of this mind-bender workout before competition day surely had an edge, as there were a lot of details to keep track of!
Get all the details of WOD 1 right HERE
Official Results
The main score for this event was the time to finish all of the work. However, if teams were not able to complete all of the reps within the 15:00 time cap, the secondary score was the total reps completed by the time cap.

Event 2 -Max Unbroken
The second event was all about moving weight fast! Teams were given just two minutes for each athlete to complete a max unbroken set of Hang Snatches and Shoulder to Overhead. Then another two minutes to get through a max unbroken set of Hang Cleans and Hang Clean & Jerks.
Again, this workout benefited teams who were able to plan ahead and practice, because moving a slightly lighter weight for more reps would be more beneficial on the score board than moving a heavier weight for the minimum number of reps.
Check all the details of WOD 2 right HERE
Official Results
The total score for each team was the total tonnage moved. In other words, weight (lbs) x reps for each movement combined.

Event 3 – Eleven
The third and “final” event (for most teams!) was “Eleven”, an all-out AMRAP that included both calories on the Ski Erg and reps accumulated in a DB and gymnastics segment. Teams switched between gender pairs working on accumulating calories, while the other gender pair worked through the high-level skills of Toes to Bar and Bar Muscle-ups (or Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups and Devil’s Press), as well as some meat-and-potatoes DB Thrusters.
For this workout, teams who had the goods in terms of gymnastics skills were really able to showcase their abilities. Not only that, this workout also provided the needed incentive to get a few athletes their first Bar Muscle-ups and Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups! We could not be more proud of the effort everyone put into this one!
Check out all the details of WOD 3 HERE!
Official Results
The score for WOD 3 was total number of reps completed in the DB/Gymnastics AMRAP plus the total number of Calories accumulated on the Ski Erg.

Floater WOD -BATtle of the Bags
Teams completed the Floater WOD in the morning, during their rest between (or before) WODs 1 and 2. The Floater consisted of a relay of sandbag tosses over a standard-height barrier. Athletes took turns tossing four bags over the barrier in one direction, then came back and tossed them back over before tagging the next athlete in line.
This workout was an all-out sprint for everyone! The benefit went to athletes who have moved heavy bags before, and understood how to manipulate the heavier bags efficiently. Also, taller athletes had an advantage with the barrier height itself.
All of the Floater WOD details can be found right HERE
Official Results
The Floater was scored simply – total time to complete the relay. There was a 5-minute time cap on this one, which some teams did hit. Their score became 5:00 + 1 second for each rep they still needed to complete to finish. For instance, a team that was 2 sandbag tosses shy of finishing the ladder would come away with a score of 5:02.

Event 4 -The FINAL
After an entire day’s worth of fitnessing, just one Final event remained, in which the top four teams of each division went head-to-head. For the final, mixed-gender pairs went through a sprint of rowing, synchro burpees, and finally synchro OHS (or FS) to accumulate as many reps as possible. After just 2:30, the first gender pair tagged out and the second pair began the same sequence.
This was an all-out effort and a complete mad house display of fitness and determination. The top four teams in each division put on a FANTASTIC show, and spectators and other teams carried them right through the finish.
All of the details for the Final Event can be found right HERE
Official Results
The team score for this event was the total number of reps completed, with a tie-break of time to complete the synchro burpees. This tie-break actually turned out to be necessary in the Masters Division – that’s how tight the competition was!

Overall Standings
With all the scores tallied throughout the day, each team was ranked within their division. Check out the official score breakdown for all teams below