We’ve made it to that time of year again – time for the annual worldwide CrossFit test of fitness – the 2022 CrossFit Open! Aevitas has participated in the CrossFit Open since we opened our doors (our first Open as a gym was 2014!). We consider the Open a staple in our year-round programming, training, and community engagement.
The format has changed slightly throughout the years, and the timing has shifted a couple of times as well. However, the sentiment is the same, and the value the Open brings to individual athletes AND the community is massive. If you’ve never been around to compete in the Open, or were not ready or interested in signing up before, we hope that you make 2022 “your” year! If you’ve done it before, we hope that you’re ready to go into it with an open mind and excitement to test your fitness!
Still not sure? Keep reading to learn why we do it, and what our plans are for this year’s Open. Also, don’t forget to at least sign up with Aevitas (if not also with the official CrossFit site) to get your Aevitas 2022 Open T-Shirt! Get those sign-up details at the end of this post!
Why We Do The Open
Many people have different ideas about the value of the CrossFit Open. If you’re new to CrossFit, or you’re not really into the competitive side of things, you may not think the Open is necessarily for you. However, we disagree with this sentiment. Over the years we have seen the most- AND least-competitive athletes in our gym participate in the Open.
In every case, our athletes have walked away from the competition feeling more educated about themselves and their current levels of fitness. Many people have gone on to make athletic goals based on their performance in certain workouts. Some people come away with a new skill or accomplishment (hello, first-time pull-ups and muscle-ups!) Most importantly, almost everyone who’s ever been through the Open is proud of themselves for pushing out of their comfort zone. They feel a sense of accomplishment, and most of the time, a renewed sense of commitment to their health and fitness.
For those reasons, the CrossFit Open will always be a part of what we do at Aevitas. It’s a chance for all of us to test our current level of fitness and make some assessments and goals for how to improve in the coming year. It’s a chance for us to come together as a community and cheer each other on. Finally, it’s a chance for us to see where we are compared to the entire world of CrossFit athletes, which we think is pretty cool!

Details Of the 2022 CrossFit Open at Aevitas
This year’s Open competition will last for three weeks, much like the 2021 Open. The Open workout announcements will be released every Thursday, beginning February 24th. Individual scores are required to be submitted by the following Monday. Open workout announcements will be posted on the CrossFit Games website.
At Aevitas, our gym-wide Open workout day will be Friday. So if you come to the gym on Friday at any time, the CrossFit workout of the day will be that week’s Open workout. We’ll set up heats and have scorecards available. We’ll run through the workouts together until everyone has completed the workout with a judge.
In addition to holding the Open workouts on Friday, we have some great ideas cooking to make this year’s Aevitas Open a more collaborative community event between our two locations! Stay tuned for more details, but if you’d like to be a part of the Aevitas Open activities, you’ll need to sign up for the “Aevitas Open” (details below).
Anyone unable to complete the Open workout on Friday, or who would like to repeat the workout, will be able to do that in an Open Gym format on Saturday or Sunday. Anyone wishing to make up or re-do a workout outside of the standard Friday workouts will be responsible for finding a judge and/or recording the workout per the CrossFit Open guidelines. Also, any make-ups or re-dos will need to be completed during the gym’s standard operating hours. There will not be extra staffing hours available outside of our general open times, so please plan accordingly to be in and out while the gym is open.
How To Sign-Up for the CrossFit Open AND the Aevitas Open!
Whether or not you want to “compete” officially in the Open this year, you will complete the Open workouts if you attend class on Friday. While we highly encourage participation in the CrossFit Open, we realize that not everyone will want to or be able to.
If you ARE interested in competing in the CrossFit Open this year, you can register NOW at the CrossFit Games website!
Additionally, since we are making this a community-wide event as well, we will be holding registrations for the “Aevitas Open”. More details are coming on how we plan to make this a collaborative community event, but you can get signed up in the meantime! The Aevitas Open is a separate registration, and includes a custom 2022 Aevitas Open T-Shirt!
To sign up for the in-house Aevitas Open, follow the link for the t-shirt order below. Registration for the Aevitas Open ends Friday, February 18th, so that we can get t-shirts out by the final Friday workout.
2022 Aevitas Open Registration and T-shirt Order

Note that you can sign up for either the CrossFit Open, the Aevitas Open, or BOTH! The choice is totally yours!
We truly hope that you join us for this year’s Open, whether you sign up for either (or both!) “official” versions, or you just show up and throw down with us on Fridays! Best of luck and now let’s get this party started!