The Aevitas community is always growing, and we are so excited about it! Whether you’re coming to the gym to work on your general fitness in ViTaFIT or CrossFit, or perfect your Olympic technique with our Weightlifting team, or prep for OCR events with the Spartan crew – we’re so happy you choose to work out and hang out with us!
Since we have had a couple of recent transitions from ViTaFIT to CrossFit, we wanted to take a few minutes and welcome the newest crew of our CrossFit On-Ramp program! Additionally, we’d like to invite anyone interested in making the switch to CrossFit to our FINAL On-Ramp session of the year!
Recent CrossFit On-Ramp Graduates – Welcome!
We have had a couple of On-Ramp sessions this fall/winter season! Welcome to the newest crew of CrossFitters! You will be seeing these new faces in CrossFit class in the near future if you haven’t already – so take a moment to say hi!
Our Recent Graduates:
- Meredith Streeter
- John Bensettler
- John Randazzo
- Lily Kimlicko
- Eric Williams
- Matt Garris
- Carol Lamb-Lafay
- Jenny Lam
- Travis Acuna
- Palash Goyal

We’re stoked to see what these athletes accomplish on the CrossFit side of things! Heavy weights and PR’s, here we come!
One Final On-Ramp Session in 2021 – Join us!
If you’re currently in our ViTaFIT or Spartan program, or you’re not yet an Aevitas member, and you want to make the switch into CrossFit, we have ONE MORE On-Ramp session going down this year!
The next On-Ramp will be held at our Round Lake location, and the individual sessions will be before ViTaFIT class. So you can come in and learn the barbell and gymnastics techniques – then hit your regularly scheduled ViTaFIT sweat sesh!
Details of our FINAL 2021 CrossFit On-Ramp:
- Location: Aevitas Round Lake
- Dates: Mon 12/27 – Thurs 12/30 – Mon 1/3 – Thurs 1/6
- Time: All OnRamp classes will start at 5:45 PM, and end in time for ViTaFiT!
- Price: $99
- More Details: Check out all you need to know about moving from ViTaFIT to CrossFit right HERE!
- Sign-Up: Use THIS LINK to get into the next session!!
As always, we cannot state enough how happy it makes us that so many amazing humans come into our gym to do their best each and every day. You’re taking charge of your own health, AND you’re bettering the health of this entire community! Thank you for being here and for pushing yourself, and all of us, forward!