Every year in December, we host our annual “Skinner Memorial WOD” to remember and honor community members we have lost, and raise awareness and money for mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
This year, we are again teaming up with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). We hope you can join us for this community event for a great cause!
Keep reading to get all the details you need for the event. Also below is the t-shirt order form – please order yours by Wednesday, November 30th!
Skinner Memorial WOD 2022 Event Details
Date: Saturday, December 10th
Time: 8:00 AM & 9:15 AM CrossFit Classes
- Guilderland 8:00 AM ViTaFIT class will have its own version of the Skinner WOD as well!
Location: BOTH Aevitas Locations
Cost: $20 drop-in fee for non-members; optional shirt purchase; optional online or day-of donation. See below for details…
The Workout
We’re holding to tradition yet again this year, with our memorial “Skinner” WOD – which includes all of Brian Skinner’s favorite movements.
7 minutes to Establish a 1RM Snatch
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
12 Handstand Push-ups
12 Ab Mat Sit-ups
12 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
1 Bar Muscle Up
7 minutes to Establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk
The goal is to complete this workout the way Skinner would – go heavy on the weightlifting portions, and then have a bunch of fun in the middle!
As always, please lift and workout responsibly! We will have multiple coaches on staff to help with all of your scaling needs, and to ensure everyone is safe and has the best time possible.
Registration, T-Shirt Order, and Additional Donations
This event is open to any local CrossFit athlete who wishes to join us!
If you are not a current Aevitas member, please sign up through the Drop-in portal (for GUILDERLAND or ROUND LAKE). The standard $20 drop-in fee will go directly to AFSP.
Aevitas Athletes – please make sure to pre-register for the class you will attend! We will not cap the classes, however we would like to know how many people to expect, so we can best plan the gym setup, spacing, and warm-up activities. If you are bringing a friend, please have them go through the Drop-in process above.
Skinner WOD T-shirts are available for pre-order until Wednesday, November 30th. So get your order in now! Follow the link below to place your order.
*This order has expired*
If you’d like to pledge an additional donation to the cause through our online portal, please complete that using the link below. All donations placed through the link from now until Saturday, December 10th will go towards AFSP.
Finally, we will have a donation box at each location for anyone who wishes to make an additional contribution to the cause. Cash and Venmo donations welcome!