It simultaneously feels like yesterday AND 100 years ago that we first stepped into our Aevitas Fitness Guilderland location. In ten years, we have come so far as a gym and community, yet we still have our eyes set on so many more improvements to make in the future! Today though, we will simply focus on our gratitude for being able to achieve this milestone. We hope that you can celebrate with us in one or BOTH of the following ways:
10-Year Aevita-versary WOD – Fight Gone Bad
We hope that you can join us today as we complete the *very first* workout that was done by a group at Aevitas Fitness in Charles Park! Fight Gone Bad is a classic, and chances are you’ve seen it once or twice before. If not, you’re in for a treat!
We love this workout for many reasons, other than it’s sentimental value to us:
- It’s small or large-group friendly! We can run 8 people in a single heat, all the way up to 40 with a waterfall-style start. All without having to change any person’s individual workout!
- It’s got a little bit for everyone! Love Wall Balls? Great, they’re the first movement! Need a barbell? Cool, there are TWO barbell movements wrapped into this baby! Want to “just move”? Excellent, there are box jumps and rowing to fill those cardio cups to the brim!
- It’s beginner- and veteran-friendly! All of the movements in Fight Gone Bad you’ve seen even if you’ve only participated in our ViTaFIT program. They are, of course, scaleable to accommodate any fitness level. Higher-level athletes can amp up the intensity with heavier weights and higher box jumps. Or, push to work hard for 55 sec of each movement, only “resting” to transition to the next movement.

10-Year Aevita-versary Post-WOD Celebration!
Because it’s such a special day for us, we can’t end it without a celebration! Please join us at Junior’s Bar & Grill (2080 Western Ave, Guilderland) immediately following the 5:45 PM WOD.
Let’s eat, drink, and remember all the fun times we’ve had at Aevitas over the years! We would LOVE to hear your favorite memory or story from the gym! Whether you’ve been with us from Day 1, or you just started weeks ago, you are part of the Aevitas Family!
And finally, from the bottom of our hearts – thank you. There is no way we would have made it this far without our dedicated coaches and members, coming to the gym day in and day out, just working to get a little bit better (and have some fun doing it!) We can’t imagine calling any other place our fitness home, and we truly hope that you feel just as at home at Aevitas as we always have.
Thank you for your continued support – now let’s tackle another 10 years together, shall we?!