Our coaching staff at Aevitas is constantly striving for improvement. The latest acheivement? Both Coach Cody and Coach Kevin recently attended (and passed) their CrossFit Level-2 Coaching certificate course!
The CF-L2 course builds on the concepts introduced in the CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1) course. The CF-L1 is all about the foundational movements of CrossFit, the points of performance in each, as well as the common faults that a coach might see in athletes completing these movements.
While the CF-L1 teaches the CrossFit movements, the CF-L2 teaches more of the CrossFit Methodology in terms of coaching movements, seeing and correcting faults, and running a successful group training session.
The CF-L2 breaks a coach’s role into six main responsibilities:
- Teaching
- Seeing
- Correcting
- Group Management
- Presence & Attitude
- Demonstration
The CF-L2 also instills an overall theme of constant improvement in all of these areas, regardless of current coaching abilities, credentials, or experience. This is the main reason we hold the Level 2 as a coaching “standard” here at Aevitas Fitness.
The CF-L2 course consists of in-person instruction, break out sessions, and mini-evaluations throughout the course of a weekend. After the in-person weekend seminar, participants complete an online test to ensure they have retained sufficient knowledge from the course. Upon completion of the weekend seminar and the successful completion of the test, trainers receive their official CrossFit Level-2 Trainer certificate!
We are very proud of Coach Cody and Coach Kevin on achieving this milestone, and are happy to say that ALL of your CrossFit Coaches at Aevitas Fitness are now *at least* CF-L2 trainers! Way to go, guys!