Our fearless leader Coach Chad has just reached a major milestone in his CrossFit training professional journey!
Join us in congratulating Chad on his recent passing of the CrossFit Level 3!
Chad now holds the title of “Certified CrossFit Trainer (CCFT)” which is accredited by the American National Standards Institute.

What Is the CrossFit Level 3?
The CrossFit training and accreditation process is broken up into discreet levels, based on experience level and competency.
The CrossFit Level 1 is the first step along this journey. The Level 1 is a two-day course that culminates with a test. The CrossFit Level 1 is required for all trainers who wish to coach “CrossFit” classes at a registered CrossFit affiliate, and is also a requirement to affiliate as a CrossFit gym in general.
The CrossFit Level 2 is what most of your Aevitas Coaches have currently. The Level 2 course is again a 2-day long course ending with an exam. Unlike the Level 1, which focuses mainly on the foundational principles and movements of CrossFit, the Level 2 focuses more on CrossFit methodology, program design, and implementation. The CrossFit Level 2 course is really meant to teach coaches how to run effective classes, which is why we encourage all of our coaches to obtain this level of credential.
The CrossFit Level 3, or Certified CrossFit Coach (CCFC), is the first level of credential under the CrossFit scope of practice to be accredited by the American National Standards Institute. As such, there are more requirements attached to the Level 3, including proof of at least 750 CrossFit coaching hours accumulated within the last 5 years. Additionally, all Level-3 trainers must commit to continuing education within the field of strength & conditioning in order to keep an active credential.
Finally, the CrossFit Level 4 is currently the highest level of CrossFit-specific credential. This level of accreditation includes an in-person evaluation of all aspects of group fitness coaching (teaching, seeing, correcting, class management, presence & attitude, application). Members of the CrossFit coaching staff (the coaches who teach the Level 1 and Level 2 courses) have obtained this credential as part of that career path.
Congratulations, Chad!
Coach Chad successfully passed his Level 3 exam just last week, and we’re pumped for him! We knew he was more than prepared and capable, but it’s a nice credential to have completed!
Make sure to congratulate Chad the next time you see him in class. And feel free to quiz him on all things fitness – he can totally handle it!
Next up for Chad: the USA Weightlifting Level 2, which he plans to complete later this summer with some of our Aevitas Weightlifting coaches. Love to see that kind of growth mindset from our leaders!
Interested in Coaching?
If you are interested in diving into the exciting and rewarding (albeit at times difficult) realm of coaching, feel free to reach out! We love developing and growing new coaches almost as much as we love coaching ourselves!