It’s time to say farewell to the 2022 CrossFit Open Season, after three fun weeks of workouts! And with the close of Open Season comes the close of the inaugural Aevitas Team Open competition!
We will get to the winners and highlights below, but before we do that, we must mention how PROUD we are of all the athletes who competed (officially or unofficially) in the Open this year! We saw so many people push their limits and find new strength and skills they didn’t know they had! That’s truly the best part of the Open, and the reason we will continue to participate every year.
Plus – the team format was such a hit! We all had a blast with the friendly competition (posters and balloons included!) Get ready because we’re definitely bringing back this team challenge in 2023!
2022 Aevitas Team Open – Final Results and Notes
If you have been following along, last week’s blog post outlined just exactly where the teams stood after two of the three weeks of competition. If you didn’t see that, go check it out now!
Week 3 Recap
The Workout:
The final workout of the 2022 Open was a mash-up of different skills, along with the all-time favorite – thrusters! The thrusters got heavier each round, while the gymnastics skill became more difficult. And thrown into the mix, just for fun, were a bunch of Double-Unders! This was truly a “CrossFit” workout, and just what was needed to close this year’s Open.
The Rx Version of 22.3 is:
For time:
21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)
95 lb, then 115 lb, then 135 lb for Rx Men
65 lb, then 75 lb, then 85 lb for Rx Men
Time cap: 12 minutes
Week 3 Results:
After the final week of competition, Team 3, “Pollitos Organicos” remained at the top of the Aevitas Team Open leaderboard. This cemented Team 3’s overall status as the Winner of the 2022 Aevitas Team Open! Congrats, Team 3!
Individual Leaderboard 22.3

Team Results 22.3

Aevitas Stats:
With the addition of higher-level gymnastics skills required for 22.3, not as many athletes were able to complete the “Rx” version. However, everyone was able to find a challenge in whatever version they completed – the Scaled version of the workout had Pull-ups AND Chest to Bar Pull-ups if athletes made it through a round or two! Many people challenged themselves this week – some with the jump rope, others with the gymnastics, and still others with the increasing thruster weight! There was something for everyone in this workout 🙂
48 Aevitas Athletes completed 22.3 with the Rx version, while 3 tackled the Master’s Rx. 23 Athletes completed the workout Scaled, 3 conquered the Master’s Scaled, and 1 completed the Foundations version of 22.3.
Only two Rx athletes were able to complete the entire 216 reps within the 12-minute time cap! Those athletes are Chad Southwick, with a time of 9:51, and Kat Gamez, who finished in 10:44.
The top Scaled score was again accomplished by Aiden Cahee – who finished all 216 reps in 10:27. Joe Robyck and Amy Wardner also completed the entire Scaled workout within the time cap, with times of 11:21 and 11:40, respectively.
Stan Pictures (Guilderland)!
If you completed the final workout at the Friday Night Lights in Guilderland, there’s a chance Stan got an epic picture of you! Check out the album and download your favorites HERE!
What Comes Next?
Well, first of all, we need to celebrate the end of the Open AND the winning team! We’re doing that the best way we know how – with ice cream, of course! And since we will be taking a break from our annual Freedom Run this year, we thought a trip to Guptill’s Ice Cream is definitely in order!
Guptill’s officially opens THIS SATURDAY, however it’s going to be a bit rainy… We are going to keep our eyes out in the coming weeks for the best weather – we will most likely head there on a Friday night, and we hope that everyone will be able to join us! We’ll provide a free order for everyone on Team 3!
Stay tuned for full schedule details… it will be soon!
Now that the Open is behind us, it’s time to start looking ahead to our next athletic venture – Memorial Day Murph! You’ll see more here regarding our training plan leading up to Murph, as well as our schedule for the actual event – so stay tuned!