As you may know, our motto at Aevitas is “Fitness for a Lifetime”. Our athletes impress us every day with their efforts inside the gym. But even more impressive is the display of hard work and dedication shown outside of the gym – bringing fitness into real life!
Check out some of the amazing things Aevitas athletes have accomplished over the past few months. Maybe these examples will inspire you to express your fitness outside of the gym in your own unique way!
Have a cool fitness-related event coming up? Let us know! We’d love to help you plan and prepare for it! We can also promote events within the gym community to see if others are interested as well!
ADK Fitness Challenge – June – Lake Placid, NY

Four athletes from the Aevitas Round Lake location took on this really cool event in Lake Placid! Returning athletes Liz and Katelyn took newcomers Bobby and Roy under their wing as they attacked the ADK Fitness Challenge with force!
Again, this year’s competition was a brutal test of fitness, and each athlete came away with a lesson or two (and some PRs as well!).
Way to represent Aevitas Fitness!
ADK Series I Weightlifting Meet – July – Round Lake, NY

The Aevitas Weightlifting Team hosted its first of two USAW-sanctioned weightlifting meets in July. Aevitas Athletes, along with weightlifters from several local (and some not-so-local) gyms took to the platform to compete for best Snatch and Clean & Jerk.
Check out the full recap on our blog HERE – way to go athletes!
Shatter Slam – August – Albany, NY

Aevitas athletes had a HUGE showing at the Shatter Slam partner event in August, hosted by CrossFit House Party in Clifton Park! Nine pairs of athletes joined the competition, representing (almost) all of the division categories! Even Coaches Chad, CJ, and Victoria hit the competition floor!
This was truly a blockbuster event, and we look forward to supporting and sending athletes to it each year!
Aevitas Triathlon – August – Albany, NY

Aevitas hosted our fifth Triathlon in late August at Tawasentha Park. The weather was perfect (after a little bit of rain in the early morning), and athletes attacked the swim, bike, and run course! Many Aevitas athletes competed, joined by athletes from other local CrossFit gyms and running clubs.
Check out a full recap of the event on our blog HERE!
Spartan Race – September – Killington, VT

The Killington Spartan weekend has been a favorite of the Aevitas Spartan crew for a while! This year, several Aevitas Athletes took on at least one of the challenging courses.
Normal bumps and bruises aside, the crew had a blast and will do doubt take on this challenge next year – we highly encourage other Aevitans to join in on the fun!
No Weak Links – September – Utica, NY

Aevitas Guilderland athlete Kelsey teamed up with former Aevitan Kylie to compete in a regional event that never disappoints – No Weak Links in Utica, NY! What a display of GIRL POWER!
5K Races, Galore! – September – Albany, NY

Huge shout-out to the Aevitas Guilderland morning athletes, who have been taking on several 5K races this fall! The one pictured above was Dana H’s FIRST EVER full 5K! Way to go team!
Wine Glass Marathon – September – Corning, NY

Morning athlete Melvin recently completed his annual marathon – the Wineglass Half Marathon hosted in Corning, NY!
What did we miss?! How have you utilized your fitness so far this year, and what plans do you have coming up?! We want to hear all about them – you might even find yourself highlighted in the next edition of Aevitans in Action!!