We are two full weeks into this year’s CrossFit Open, with just one workout to go! For 2022, we decided to try out a new format for the CrossFit Open by creating our own Aevitas Team Open competition. We think it’s been going pretty well, and are excited to bring it back next year! Keep reading to find out where our teams stand so far.
Week 1 Recap
The Workout:
The first week of the 2022 Open brought back the beloved Wall Walks! While the standards were slightly different this time around, the difficulty was still there! Instead of Double Unders, this year’s Wall Walks were paired with DB Snatches and Box Jump Overs (with a mandatory step-down). The format of the workout was an AMRAP, that lasted a grueling 15 minutes!
The Rx Version of 22.1 is:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs
50-lb/35-lb dumbbell, 24-in/20-in box
Week 1 Results:
After 22.1, Team 2, “Heavy Barbells and the Night Sweats” took the initial lead in the Aevitas Open Leaderboard. Check out the individual and team score sheets to see how you (or your gym bestie) made out in week one!
Individual Leaderboard 22.1

Team Results 22.1

Aevitas Stats:
For Week 1, 56 Aevitas Athletes completed the Rx (or Master’s Rx) version, 21 completed the Scaled (or Master’s Scaled), and 2 tackled the Foundations.
The top Rx score was 261 reps, completed by Chad Southwick
The top Scaled score was 254 reps, completed by Alicia Cosh
Honorable mention goes to Laney Lutzker who completed a whopping 266 reps in the Master’s Scaled division!
Week 2 Recap
The Workout:
For 22.2, the goal was to finish a total of 200 (!) combined reps of Deadlifts and Bar Facing Burpees. However, due to the 10-minute time cap, this workout also became an AMRAP for most athletes. The barbell weight was the deciding factor on whether or not athletes went Rx or Scaled, as the burpees are just one of those movements that you can get through however slowly you need to.
The Rx Version of 22.2 is:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Bar-facing burpees
225-lb/155-lb barbell
Time cap: 10 minute
Week 2 Results:
After the second week of competition, Team 3, “Pollitos Organicos” took over the top spot on the Aevitas Team Open leaderboard.
Individual Leaderboard 22.2

Team Results 22.2
Aevitas Stats:
Week 2 brought on some serious “gaming” in the teams and individual athletes, who had to make a decision between going “Rx” and not getting many reps, or going “Scaled” and making a run at finishing. With the Deadlift being the deciding factor, Aevitas coached advised athletes to complete the “Rx” version only if the weight on the barbell did not exceed 80% of their individual Deadlift PR. With that in mind, athletes chose the best course of action that would help their team while also allowing them to have the best workout possible.
63 Aevitas Athletes chose to tackle 22.2 with the Rx version. 6 athletes completed the Master’s Rx. 9 athletes completed this workout in the Scaled division.
The top Rx score was 182 reps, again completed by Chad Southwick
The top Scaled score was 164 reps, completed by Aiden Cahee
Week 3, Here We Come!
With just one more workout in the 2022 Open, we will soon know which team comes out on top as the inaugural Aevitas Team Open champs! Once the dust has settled and the final results are in, we will crown this year’s champs and start looking ahead to making this an even better event for 2023!
What will the final week entail for Aevitas Athletes?! We’ll have to wait until Thursday at 3PM to find out – we are on the edge of our seats!
Party Time!
If you’re completing the Open workouts with us at Aevitas this year, whether or not you’re signed up for the competition, do your best to come on Friday for our weekly Friday Night Lights competition, and some pizza, wings, and beverages to follow! If you’d like to bring anything to contribute, you’re more than welcome!
See you Friday!